Green Space Therapy
with Joanne Hayes
Having been a Chiropractor in the natural health care sector for the past 23 years, Green Space Therapy came about because I could see an urgent need to bring nature back into people’s lives. We seem to be at a point in time where there is a significant imbalance between humans and the natural world, an imbalance that I believe is unsustainable.
Over the last 20-30 years, chronic illnesses have increased exponentially. We are seeing more sick children, more chronic illness and ever increasing mental health issues.
This website is to try in some small way through Chiropractic and Forest Therapy, to reconnect people with their essential selves. To assisting people to reacquaint themselves to the beauty, simplicity and pace of the natural world, a world where all the healing happens.
I am thrilled to have been introduced to both Chiropractic and Forest Therapy as a practical way of achieving this goal. As a professional Chiropractor and accredited Forest Therapy Guide, I love educating people about the natural laws both in my practice and while taking people on guided nature walks in Melbourne and Regional Victoria.
So I dedicate this website to the potential of all humans to walk this beautiful earth with a light footprint. To move through their lives with more balance within themselves and with that of nature.
I welcome feedback so please feel free to send me a message of suggestions or support to
Jo Hayes, Melbourne